I'm on my way to take my great wonderful mom out to dinner after work tonight. She emailed me this picture of herself this morning, believe it or not we got another spring snow storm last night! She needs a break from my stepdad who is 81 and really beginning to show signs of deterioration. His memory isn't at all what it used to be and at times his personality seems somewhat...flat. My hubby has experience with older people, he worked as an LNA in a nursing home for a while, and he sees this as the beginning of the end. It remains unknown what kind of time frame he's dealing with because he doesn't really have any outstanding health issues outside of aging. I wish his kids (my steps) would come and spend time with him and I'm not sure why that's not happening, except that it's painful to see him this way and maybe that's their way of dealing with it, by not dealing with it. I don't know. We've never really clicked.
I'm bringing my baby/toddler to dinner with me. It's easier on both of us to split the kids up and have me take the baby and leave A with hubby. The baby is more of a handful for him at home, she's walking now and is into everything. She's got to be watched constantly or she's in the toilet playing with the water or scattering the cat food all over the kitchen floor. Or god forbid gets into the cat box - yuck!! The other day I came home from a meeting and the baby had gotten a hold of a magic marker that she obviously had put in her mouth and drawn all over her face and tummy. I guess hubby was on the computer and didn't notice. Hmmm. I'd rather take her to dinner with me tonight, thanks! :) I love spending time with my mom and we hardly ever do this so it will be a treat for both of us.
Hi! I am not sure who you are or how you stumbled upon my blog, but I am thankful for your thoughts. I want you to know that I am amazed at your beautiful thoughts and honesty on your blog. You are a strong person and while I suffer with my trials, I realize others have their own too. Kudos on your strength and beauty! I would love to know how you found me....
Trish..I just reread your post and figured out that I really do know who you are....my brain is shot right now. Now that it makes sense how you found my blog-I feel foolish...I am amazed at your strenght, though! Thanks for being so supportive...someday, I am going to make the big trip to Oak Meadow and put faces with all the wonderful people in the office who have loved and cared about us the past while. I am blessed to be associated with all of you...God Speed.
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