From the Evolution of Jeremiah:
Four Jobs I have had in my life: (that I was paid for)
-Administrative Assistant
-Veterinary Assistant
-Marketing Director
Four Movies I would watch/have watched over and over:
-Little Darlings
-The Bourne Identity/Conspiracy/and the other one
-The Sound of Music
-Finding Nemo
Four Places I have lived:
- Miami, Florida
- San Francisco, CA
- Greenwich, CT
- Vermont
Four TV Shows that I watch:
- Law & Order (especially Criminal Intent)
- House
- The News
- Sprout (PBS 24 hr preschool channel)
Four Places I have visited:
- London, England
- Greece
- Norway
- Hawaii
Four People who email me regularly:
- Jeremy
- Amy
- Mom
- Terye
Four Favorite Foods:
- Pasta
- Good Bread
- Chicken Alfredo
- Broccoli
Four Places I would like to be right now:
- San Diego
- Disney World Florida
- Hawaii
- 9 Beaches, Bermuda
Four Things I am looking forward to this year:
- Spring and summer
- Our family vacation week
- Travelling for work
- Not seeing any snow for 6 months
Four People who should post Four Things:
Any takers??
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