We just completed a busy time at work and have somewhat of a breathing space for the next few weeks before the next push. Not that I am at a loss for things to do. But today I've found myself sitting very still, focusing on the time passing. Maybe it's because Friday is a holiday, it's hard for me to get my brain going. Maybe it's because Monday was so freaking busy at work and we're all still hungover from it. Maybe it's because in 16 days our family goes on vacation and I am excited and nervous about it. Excited because it's vacation, nervous because it costs money to go. I wish I had a money tree. I wouldn't strip it, it would just be nice to have it there, like keeping a chicken for fresh eggs. It wouldn't even have to be a full tree, maybe just a money shrub, or a small money plant in a window box. I'm not greedy, I just want to be caught up and stay that way. My husband keeps telling me it's getting better, and I want so much to believe him. I think he is right, it is getting better, but not nearly as fast at I want it to. Ah, patience. There's the rub.
I digress. The best thing about being at work is basking in the air conditioning. In my next life I will have central air, even if I only need it for a month out of the year. I'm too much of a brat to be physically uncomfortable. Why do I feel like being comfortable is a luxury? I spent $10 on a fan the other day and I actually felt guilty about it. What the hell????
This image doesn't have anything to do with how I feel, but it's funny and I like it.

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